The output of large companies on the regional market - a
natural thing. Network organizations sell, distribute and provide food,
household appliances, clothing, medicine, mobile phone, internet connection.
Banks, construction, insurance companies, retail chains, pharmacies,
restaurants are opening their branches across the country.
Not for women
A significant part of the working time (from half to two
thirds) on regional development managers carried traveling. Choosing this
profession, one must be prepared for "nomadic" life, frequent
flights, transfer, hotels ... Many trains with reserved seat in the month, do
not stand up and go. To this work like and do not cause discomfort, it is
necessary to be a person of a certain character, and more men than women.
Now the task of regional development professionals have
become more complex: the majority of real estate to somebody belongs. In
regions boils own business life, open a lot of local companies operate their
"players". Accordingly, if the firm decides to move to the regions,
they are faced with a huge number of problems: where to find a property? what
to do with the local competitors? against the background abundance of proposals
to attract customers and make a profit? So now the staff of the Regional Development
Department are primarily risk assessment.
Analysis undergo three main points: the presence of
competitors, population and ability to pay (income level) inhabitants. And if
before the most viable option was to open its own branch in the region, it is
now increasingly talking about proper collaboration with existing local
"players". There are concepts such as mergers and acquisitions
(jointly doing business or buying up smaller companies).
Analyst, Manager, Lawyer
The Department of Regional Development is usually composed
of three divisions. In the first sit analysts - experts, exploring the regional
market. That they evaluate the financial risks, analyze economic performance
and on the basis of the work done with his verdict: whether or not to work with
a particular region? under what scheme it is best to act (opening its own
branch, merger or acquisition)? what is the probability of success or failure?
Where to begin?
At first glance it may seem that the work of negotiators -
the most simple: if the language well, "suspended", success is
guaranteed. In fact, everything is not so simple: the negotiations will have to
very serious, "experienced" people - CEO, business founders. To
influence them, you need to be a professional. So start it is better from the
standpoint of the analytical department: here you will have the time and
opportunity to understand how, for some domestic laws there is regional
development. And then, having gained specific knowledge, you can begin to
Much depends on which company you get. Some managers prefer
to hire people with great experience, while others believe that it is easier to
take novices and teach them all on the spot. The policy of
"cultivation" of staff can be very different. For example, there are
firms that are gaining every month five to ten negotiators, and then to
evaluate the work of each, left alone, a maximum of two. Ultimately, it all
depends on your hard work, desire and ability to learn and work.
Talent on regional development is not so much, and if you
are such, you are guaranteed a fairly rapid career growth. Another question -
what do you pursue goals? Someone seduces professional growth and the position
of chief specialist in his department, and who would want to become a manager,
say the head of the department. But the head office in the region you are
unlikely - for such positions, as a rule, put the specialists from the business
"Correct" education
people of different professions working in the Department of
Regional Development. For some experts specialized education is important
priori. For example, in the legal department can only people with a legal
background. But if we talk about the negotiations, there is great variation:
well cope with the work above all sociable people, and this quality is usually
congenital and acquired education of the few independent. Negotiators can work
qualified managers, psychologists, sociologists ... However, they will need a
long time to "enter" in the subject.
Analytics provides great mathematicians, engineers, but they
are often introverts do not like and are not able to communicate (although
there are exceptions). Perhaps if the technician wants to go out of the
analytical department of the managers, he will have to finish the special
courses (or training) of oratorical skill.
And yet the most "correct" education expert on
regional development (not including the department of legal support) - the
economic or financial. If you want to get exactly "in the
bull's-eye," choose not just the economic faculty of any university, as an
institution in which there is a chair of the regional economy.
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