Monday, October 28, 2019

Job - web-master

In fact, web-master - the concept is very indefinite. After all, in order to create a well-functioning website, efforts must be made at least three experts: web-programmer (Programming by combining writing with the administration of the website), web-designer and content editor. And that their child is not decayed and "untwist" the World Wide Web, we also need a manager for marketing and advertising.

But such specialization can only be in large design studios. For the most part, the work of web-master is similar to the work of the repairman, who does all kinds of work, from plumbing to wiring sanding floors. Web-master should combine incongruous: to be both a mathematician and an artist, to be able to communicate with the client to formulate the terms of reference, program and possess sophisticated graphics packages. Be talented in everything - the lot of units.
Let me teach!

This young specialty. And come to her or programmers who learned the basics of design, or designers who have mastered web-programming. Education combining these two aspects do not yet exist, although today in Moscow institutes (eg Technical University) are trying to create departments of web-mastering. But sooner or later, the creators of the site still will face the need to "break up the profession" - as part of education is very difficult to fully educate and design, and is not truncated programming.
Today, a PR master must be able to:

 reveal in conversation with the customer architecture and logic of the future site, to take into account the wishes concerning the design and formulate the terms of reference;
 programming in C / C ++, Perl and Java / JavaScript (rarely - PHP and ASP);
 run a database (SQL, Postgres, etc...);
 develop firm style (or maintain an existing one);
 work with graphics packages (Photoshop, Corel Draw, Flash, etc...);
 locate and optimize the schedule;
 impose pages in html;
 debug the site to work in any browser, ensuring the compatibility of the code;
install and configure the appropriate Web server and mail server, to ensure their protection and stable operation. This requires knowledge of the NT + IIS and Unix (FreeBSD, Linux ...) + Apache;
 advertising campaigns on the Internet, be able to work with the basic as banner networks to communicate with agencies and advertisers, to negotiate with the administrators of other sites on the mutual exchange of banners and links.

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